Last modified 9 years ago
SPIN and UPPAAL model checkers
Among the example tools for the Sensoria Development Environment are wrappers for SPIN and UPPAAL. The wrappers call Web services, which in turn call the Spin and Uppaal executables (which must be in the PATH of the Web service container).
The Web services are provided as Java classes dependent on Axis.
- SPIN: spinws.tar.gz
- UPPAAL: uppaalws.tar.gz
- SPIN and UPPAAL executables must be on the local PATH.
- Download and install Apache Tomcat (tested with 5.5.20)
- Download and deploy Apache Axis within Tomcat (tested with 1.4)
- Deploy the Web services inside the Axis directory (using the ant scripts provided)
- You need to set CATALINA_HOME to your tomcat root directory prior to running ant
- Running build.xml will automatically deploy the Web service
- Make sure Apache Tomcat can find the spin and uppaal (verifyta) executables in the PATH
- This has only been tested on Linux
(4.2 KB) - added by mayer 10 years ago.
(3.7 KB) - added by mayer 10 years ago.