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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of ChangeLog3.2

02/05/08 18:31:34 (9 years ago)



  • ChangeLog3.2

    v1 v1  
     1== Changes from v3.0 to v3.2 in the Sensoria Development Environment == 
     3Differing requirements 
     4 * The SDE 3.2 requires the JDK 1.6, not the JRE, in order to convert JavaScript to Java. Note that the JDK 6 must be selected in Eclipse (Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs...) as default. 
     5 * The SDK 3.2 requires Eclipse 3.4, at least milestone M5, to correctly convert parameter annotations in tools in the development plug-in. 
     6New features in the core 
     7 * Parameters and return types of functions may now have their own descriptions. This addition has resulted in a change of the core extension point – i.e., tool extensions in plugin.xml files need to be re-created using the dev tool. The old descriptions are still valid, though. 
     8 * JavaScripts which include functions may now be converted on-the-fly to Java classes and used as normal tools. 
     9New features in the UI 
     10 * The UI now shows the names of parameters of functions and a description parameters and return values (if they have been defined within tool definitions). 
     11 * The invocation wizard is able to deal with Arrays and Collections as inputs. 
     12 * The invocation wizard can now add files as various object types which the user may select in the UI. 
     13 * The blackboard has been overhauled to show more meaningful labels of objects. For this to work, a tool must implement the ISensoriaModelHandler interface and the corresponding methods within. 
     14 * Objects returned from scripts or from the black board may now be opened in editors. This function also requires implementing the ISensoriaModelHandler interface. 
     15 * There is a new tool, the SensoriaUIService, which contains 9 functions for working with files in and out of the workspace. 
     17== Converting tools == 
     18Tools written for 3.0 will work in 3.2 without changes. However, to take advantage of the new functionality it is recommended to convert them as follows. 
     19 * Make sure the tools run within Eclipse 3.4. 
     20 * Update the tool annotations, adding new descriptions for return types and parameters. 
     21 * The ID of the core services has changed from ”eu.sensoria-ist.casetool. core.jsShell” to “SensoriaCoreTool”. Scripts or Java code which use this ID need to be updated. 
     22 * Create new content for the plugin.xml from these annotations using the DEV plugin. 
     23 * Implement the ISensoriaModelHandler interface in your tool, handling your model objects. 
     24 * Test your tool in the new SDE.